Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Well, regretfully, I have gained the typical 10-15 pounds over the holidays. It is funny how that happens, especially when I havent really stopped exercising. I guess the whole calorie in, calorie out is not just a myth it seems to be science. Since it is science, I trully need to pay attention and either ratchet up the exercise or ratchet down the food consumption. I hate to think that the metabolism thing is just going to get worse as I get older. I am a relatively young 43, just like my mom is a relatively young 63. Everything I do is below my age level...ask my wife....or Karen.... or anyone else that we know.

The thing is that Shawna and I have signed up for a cruise with some friends of ours (May 2) and so we have to be close to swimsuit shape by the time that we get to that date. Of course, that means different things for myself and my woman. Speaking of my woman, she just got a KICK ASS haircut. VA VA VOOM. I am the luckiest guy.

OK, now that that is out of the way I wanted to see if anyone is interested in training for an actual marathon. 26.2 miles is a long way, but I am determined to do it and would love to have someone to train with. I cant seem to get Shawna or Karen interested so I am looking for some outside help. Any takers?

1 comment:

  1. The extra milage for the marathon will help with the weight thing and when you go on the cruise do the vegatarian thing.

    Good post and now if I can get the comment to stick.
